Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Show the shoe show

A show is showing based on a mans extremely large shoe collection, some 60 pairs with artists doing a painting based on a different pair. I got some chocolate new balances, More appreciation for a pair of actual chocolate new balances as Im now out of food. enjoi

Friday, November 12, 2010

Paintings paintings paintings!

Here are some fun fun office paintings I was asked to do for a quite bland and boring office. HA! jesters jesters jesters....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I have returned from a quest to the land of Nawlins. A liquid layered landscape of candy colored people and drunken vaudevillian fun. On my trip I brought 7 friends and quested into the crowd. I am happy to say they all found homes.

NOW We gear up for fashion SHOW!!!!!!