Tuesday, October 25, 2011

HALLOWEEN ! is here at last! and im done.

Halloween mask Finito!  For anyone who even looks at this and asked me about them im sorry it took so long. Im a bad bad artist. OFF TO nEw OrLeans!

Contains real teeth, and its 125$. not 100$!

Contains Real Bull Horns, Dog teeth, buffalo teeth, and lights up red.

They are 125 not 100$

Pulsating lights up and contains teeth. My teeth. My wisdom teeth,

Contains Real Calf teeth

Has Giant moose teeth and bells!

Cow teeth

Contains spring bock and Ibex horn. Cow teeth

Family photo.

Monday, September 12, 2011

TheSOund MasTer. . designed to done!

This was a custom job for an artistic adventurer named mike. It looks like him. and it does all kinds of crazy awesome things. It took 5 months. due to tedious things and a lazy me but it kicks ass and he likes it.
the design
the husk minus everything
the face and beard

i had to plug every wire hair in.

donzo. Speaker ears, ipod forehead. sound reactivity and the metallic resemblance of the one named mike,

UPdate that makes up up to date,

I lost my laptop. its been a real long time. this covers all the stuff that went on. cha cha cha...

 Universevision  -  i guess this is the newest painting i have done.

A dream catcher I made for a baby's baby shower
Voodoo DOLL!  I thinik im gunna make more of them. He was fun

*  here is a fun art show from a coffee shop!