Monday, September 12, 2011

TheSOund MasTer. . designed to done!

This was a custom job for an artistic adventurer named mike. It looks like him. and it does all kinds of crazy awesome things. It took 5 months. due to tedious things and a lazy me but it kicks ass and he likes it.
the design
the husk minus everything
the face and beard

i had to plug every wire hair in.

donzo. Speaker ears, ipod forehead. sound reactivity and the metallic resemblance of the one named mike,

UPdate that makes up up to date,

I lost my laptop. its been a real long time. this covers all the stuff that went on. cha cha cha...

 Universevision  -  i guess this is the newest painting i have done.

A dream catcher I made for a baby's baby shower
Voodoo DOLL!  I thinik im gunna make more of them. He was fun

*  here is a fun art show from a coffee shop!