Monday, September 12, 2011

TheSOund MasTer. . designed to done!

This was a custom job for an artistic adventurer named mike. It looks like him. and it does all kinds of crazy awesome things. It took 5 months. due to tedious things and a lazy me but it kicks ass and he likes it.
the design
the husk minus everything
the face and beard

i had to plug every wire hair in.

donzo. Speaker ears, ipod forehead. sound reactivity and the metallic resemblance of the one named mike,

1 comment:

  1. It reacts to sound and music. There are two detachable speakers the magnetically attach tot he sides of the head and wires on the inside enable you to plug your device into his forehead. A black rubber strap keeps it looking nice when theres nothing plugged in. The shot glass eyes have electric plates inside and when you look at it theres lightning swirling around in there. The el wire runs through the head and the beard and pulses, reacts and responds to sounds of the smallest scale.
